obnova klavirja bosendorfer

Restoration of the Bösendorfer Piano

The Bösendorfer piano has arrived in our piano workshop for a complete restoration.
The piano had, among other things, a very cracked soundboard as a result of seasonal expansion and shrinkage of the wood due to changes in humidity and temperature in the room where the piano was located.
Bösendorfer has undergone repair attempts in the past, but we can say with certainty that this was not done by a qualified piano technician. With such an intervention in the instrument, even greater damage was done.

Repairing cracks on a soundboard is a very demanding process – it is not just a cosmetic repair, the instrument needs to be completely disassembled – so it is very important that it is repaired by someone who has the knowledge and the right tools to do so.
The soundboard is the heart of the piano and any defects on this mean sound problems in some cases as well as piano failure. Thus, an instrument with a purchase value of over € 80,000 may lose its full value.
We completely disassembled the piano in our piano workshop, professionally repaired the cracks, provided it new original hammers and strings, and took care of its exterior.

We have installed a Benton piano light for the piano, and a custom-made protective cover for the piano will provide protection when the instrument is not being played.

Don’t miss: What are the right conditions for your instrument and how to provide them with a device that costs only a few €?

Does your piano need renovation too? Contact us

Posted in Piano, Piano Maintenance, Piano restoration and tagged , , .

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